The Caterpillar said to the Mouse,
“May I step into your House?”
The Mouse said “No, for I must go”
“Go?” asked the Caterpillar, “Go Where ?”
The Mouse replied “Why the Flamjangled Tea Party.. why not join me if you dare!”

“What, when, how, why?” exclaimed the Caterpillar
“Well” said the Mouse as he locked up is house,
“This wondrous party happens but once a year, and I need all the time possible to prepare.”

Down the path they went through the garden arch
with just enough time to reach their destination by mid March!

(The Flamjangled Tea Party official event page on Facebook)
The Flamjangled Tea Party is not some gathering of obscure indie people getting together and trying out different kinds of tea which the name may have suggested but is in fact a gathering of obscure indie people listening to indie music, world music, electro music and a little bit of jazz while dancing around in animal onesies and getting launched into dams by wheelbarrows. The music festival took place the weekend of the15th-17th March 2013 in the Durbanville Winelands and included the likes of psychadellic dreamwave artists Christian Tiger School and South African indie bands Al Bairre and Bateleur.

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